It's been a while...I know :)
I said I will blog more often, but the turth is, I abandon my blog again. So sorry!!!
Sometime when I finally have time to start blogging, but I feel like the time is better off used by doing other stuff. == ll
It's a new semester now, and Im graduating in this year. Hehe!!! So you can imagine how stress I am. XD But even though life is not always easy but I know I can always turn to God, my Creator and He is in control of everything. :)
"If God is for us, who can be against us?" --Romans 8:31
Last semester was really suck to me. To be honest, I questioned God a lot. For example, "why You allowed all these things to happen?"
But, His way is always higher, He knows the big picture but I am not. So just admit that Im not strong enough to cope with all the obstracles and I need a Savior to save me!!!!
Alright, lets talk about how is my life now :)
Nail Art!!!
A big big thanks to my dear friend, Yi Xin :D
Cosmetic :)
HAHAHAAHA!! I love cosmetic, especially the smell XD
Of course normally I wont wear makeup to college, just sometime I will do makeup for more fabulous or glamorous look *wink*
Of course, medicine :(
I got sick again, since Wednesday :( I promised that I will take good care of myself but apparently I didn't. So sorry to everyone that love me so much.
This is Jeremy's touch n go card. Why is it in pink color and it is call rabbit card!!! It's so cute. Can I buy this card from Jeremy? XD
I have a very weird feeling about him. He was so down and sad just now but as a friend or a sister, I really don't know what happened to him. All I can do for now is just keep him in my prayer, always be there for him and love him. :) Hope that he will getting better, just like my sickness.
"Family is a place where everyone loves you no matter what and they accept you for who you are."
I found out family is playing a very important role in our life. It might not our blood family, sometime family can be your spiritual family or friends too :)
Thank God for Ivy, Kristine, Raymond, Amanda, Tricia, Teoh, Lydia, Jeremy, Ashley, Jia Ning, Yi Xin, etc
They are just like my another family in KL, we love each other, take care of each other, hang out together, eat together, play together, sleep together. We can even share our pain together. This is how a family looks like. Thank God for putting them in my life, if not I don't think I can still doing good in this college, in this big city.
What do you think about family? :)
To the 2 special girls that I reccently talked to,
Life is not perfect but every life is worth living. We may not be perfect and wonderful in people's eyes, but we are always wonderful and perfect in God's eyes. We are wonderfully and fearfully made by Him. Don't think that we are lonely, He is always with us. Even when the difficult season in our life, we may not can stay strong, but He will stand for us :)
"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." -- Luke 12:7
Be blessed!